Alert4U & Emergency Response
Alert4U &ÌýEmergency Response
At that critical moment when something unthinkable could happen on campus…
MTSU is Already Prepared to
- Broadcast a text/email message along with a voice alert to all students, faculty and staff
- Post a proactive message on the University Web site—WWW.MTSU.EDU
- Broadcast a message over our outside alert system (tornado system)
(The aforementioned communication procedures are tested periodically.)
- When possible and appropriate, utilize the University’s two radio and television stations:
- WMOT-FM 89.5
- WMTS-FM 88.3
- MTSU Comcast Cable Channel 9
- MTSU Comcast Cable Channel 10
- The MTSU Office of News and Media Relations will be the official conduit of incoming and outgoing information, including communication with the media.
MTSU Police are Trained to Take the Lead
°Õ³ó±ðÌýUniversity Police DepartmentÌýis composed of 44 officers who have been trained to respond to a wide range of emergencies. In addition, the Murfreesboro City Police will assist MTSU police with manpower and equipment in a crisis situation.
MTSU Police Expect Students, Faculty, and Staff to
- Be watchful and aware of your environment and of one another. Call the police to report suspicious behavior.
- Respond immediately to official notices, requests, commands and alarms.
- In a crisis situation, remain as calm as possible.
- In a situation of violence, fire, chemical hazard, or severe weather, escape the threat. Find a way to get away from the danger. Use good judgment.
- In a situation with a threat nearby, hide in place or, if possible, move to another location. Use good judgment.
- When the opportunity is there, call the police.
- To reachÌýUniversity PoliceÌýon a campus phone, call 9-1-1 or 615-898-2424.
- On your cell phone, call 615-898-2424.
- If you call 9-1-1 on your cell phone, you will reach City Police.
Emergency situations are fluid in nature. Therefore, individuals must adjust their thinking to fit the crisis—and focus on preserving life by doing whatever is necessary at the time.
Safety is our Highest Priority at MTSU
- Police force of 44 officers
- Student escort service
- Increased lighting on parking lots and walkways
- Numerous external and internal video surveillance cameras on campus
- Adopt-A-Cop program, with a police officer assigned to each residence hall
- Police bicycle patrol
- Comprehensive Campus Emergency Operations Plan
- Full-time environmental health & safety inspector
- Active and ongoing Environmental Health & Safety Committee
MTSU Promotes Safety in our Living Environments
Housing and Residential Life staff members work in partnership with students living in on-campus apartments and residence halls to effectively manage security and communication within these communities. Security and emergency systems in place include the following:
- Front-desk services to assist with information, security and communication
- Surveillance cameras that monitor many community areas, including elevators, laundry rooms and computer labs
- Resident Assistants are on duty every weekday evening and throughout each weekend. Housing and Residential Life supervisors and department heads are reachable by pager after hours.
Important Contact Numbers
- MTSU University Police: 615-898-2424
- MTSU Housing and Residential Life: 615-898-2971
- MTSU Office of Counseling Services: 615-898-2670
- MTSU Division of Student Affairs: 615-898-2440
- MTSU Office of News and Media Relations: 615-898-2919